Anna Matei - Senior Business Accountant | Success Accounting Group

Anna Matei

Anna is a Tax Consultant who joined the Success team in 2014. Anna’s role includes preparing financial statements and tax returns for individuals.

What I love about being on the Success Accounting Group team …

I love our team structure and how much we are like a family. We are able to rely on and help each other to ultimately achieve the same goal, which is to build our clients’ businesses and grow their wealth.

In my view, what’s different about SUCCESS compared with other firms is …

We are an innovative and young team that can tackle anything that is thrown our way. As a team, we strive to keep our clients happy by taking great care of them and meeting their needs.

What I love about my role is …

I love to help develop the business and find new ways to make us work better as a team. In other words, I love to find strategies and software to train the team to work more efficiently and cohesively with one another.

Outside of office hours …

Outside of work, I enjoy hanging out with friends and family. I’m a huge fan of movies and tv shows and love when I can mix the two together. I’m easily inspired and love to get creative in any way I can, whether that be by crafts, music or cooking.

Something most people don’t know about me is …

I enjoy the thrill of experiencing new things, whether that be something as simple as stepping out of my comfort zone, or taking a bigger leap and booking a solo trip to a new country.


Anna Matei
Client Business Manager
Call: 03 8511 4047


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Success Accounting Group Pty Ltd

Oakleigh, VIC, 3166

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